Panagiotis Longinidis
Lawyer of the Thessaloniki Lawyers Association, he has practiced the profession for at least 15 years with a rich presence in both criminal and civil audiences. Graduate of Law School of Democritus University of Thrace, received a master's and doctoral degree in European law from Toulouse I University France. He speaks excellent French and English and is fluent in Turkish. Legal advisor at the Ministry of the Environment since 2017, specializing in Environmental Law.
He has been involved as a lawyer in human rights cases such as home births, in the pursuit of the free development of the personality of social minorities, as well as in environmental cases in encroachment and degradation of the natural environment such as the Axios Delta and Lake Ioannina.
Panagiotis Longinidis & Associates
| Παναγιώτης Λογγινίδης & Συνεργάτες
Δικηγορικό Γραφείο | Cabinet d'avocat | Law Office
■ Traffic accident ■ European law
■ Commercial Law ■ Human Rights Law
■ Public Law ■ Medical Liability
■ Associations
phone +30.2310.282333
adrress Ionos Dragoumi 8, 1st floor
54624 Thessaloniki